
Privacy Policy

Confidential processing of personal data

Roelandt attaches the greatest of importance to its users’ privacy. We understand that your trust is our most important capital. This privacy statement (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Statement”) applies, among other things, to (i) our website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

You can visit our site, find out information about our services and read our blogs without providing your personal data.

If you do transmit personal information, we will treat it confidentially in accordance with the conditions below and the national and international legal rules.

Roelandt wishes to emphasise that it attempts to act at all times in accordance with (i) the Belgian Privacy Law of 8 December 1992 for the protection of privacy with respect to the processing of personal data.

This Privacy Statement includes, among other things, information about the personal data that Roelandt collects and the way in which Roelandt uses and processes personal data.

Please read this Privacy Statement in conjunction with Roelandt’s cookie policy.

Categories of personal data processed

The information you share with us may include personal data. “Personal data” is understood to mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Roelandt may collect and process the following personal data:

  • Surname:
  • First name:
  • E-mail address:
  • Telephone number:
  • Company name:
  • Information for correspondence with and from Roelandt

Roelandt also automatically collects anonymous information about how you use the Website. For example, Roelandt will automatically log which parts of the Website you visit, which web browser you are using, which website you were visiting when you accessed the Website and what your IP address is. We cannot identify you on the basis of this data, but it enables Roelandt to issue statistics about the use of the Website and to send more targeted communication.

For more information, see the cookie policy.

Goal of processing

If you share your personal data with us, it is included in our database with the goal of:

  • Improving the quality of our services and information;
  • Giving you tips and information about new developments in the world of IT;
  • Informing you about the services we offer;
  • Statistical purposes;

Permission for processing

If you wish to share your personal data on our website, you will be asked (by way of an opt-in) whether you want to give your permission for Roelandt to process this data. This permission is to be given by ticking a box stating that you give Roelandt permission to process your personal data for the aforementioned purposes. You have the right to withdraw your permission for processing at any time. However, the withdrawal of your permission will not detract in any way from the legality of the processing that occurred before you withdrew permission. If you wish to withdraw permission, you can do so by informing Roelandt of this at the e-mail address:

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

Roelandt will not disclose your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary in the context of the provision of services by Roelandt and optimisation of these services (for example, but not exclusively, maintenance work, payment processing, database management). If it is necessary for Roelandt to disclose your personal data to third parties in this context, the third party in question is obliged to use your personal data in accordance with the conditions of this Privacy Statement.

Notwithstanding the above, it is however possible that Roelandt will disclose your personal data to the competent authorities (i) if Roelandt is obliged to do so by law or in the context of legal proceedings or future legal proceedings and (ii) to safeguard and defend our rights.

In all other cases, Roelandt will not sell, lease or pass on your personal data to third parties, unless it (i) has obtained your permission to do so and (ii) it has signed a data processing agreement with the third party in question, which includes the necessary guarantees regarding confidentiality and conformity with the privacy of your personal data.

Storage of personal data

Unless a longer storage period is required or justified (i) by law or (ii) in order to comply with another legal obligation, Roelandt will only store your personal data for the period necessary to achieve and fulfil the goals described in the Privacy Statement under ‘use of personal data’.

Your rights

Right to information
If you wish to invoke your rights or have questions about the processing of your data, please contact;

Right of access
Users have the right to access the personal data that Roelandt may possibly have about you;

Right to rectification and completion or update of your personal data;

Right to erasure of your personal data;

Right to a restriction of the processing of your personal data;
Under certain circumstances, you have the right to ask Roelandt to limit the processing of your personal data.

Right to the portability of your personal data;

Right to lodge a complaint / protest about the processing of your personal data;
If you no longer wish to receive newsletters or information about our services, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” button provided at the bottom of all e-mails from Roelandt.

Security of personal data

Roelandt is committed to taking the reasonable, physical, technological and organisational measures to ensure the prevention of (i) unauthorised access to your personal data and (ii) loss, abuse or alteration of your personal data.

Roelandt will store all personal data it has collected in the cloud (with a data centre or centres within the EU).

Cross-border processing of personal information

Roelandt guarantees that no transfer of personal data will take place outside Europe or the European Economic Area (EER).

Update to Privacy Statement

Roelandt can adjust and update the Privacy Statement at any time it wishes without prior notification by placing a new version on the Website.

For this reason, it is most highly recommended to check the Website and the page on which the Privacy Statement is displayed regularly, to ensure that you are aware of any changes. The date of the most recent version is always adjusted and can be found at the bottom of the Privacy Statement.

Other websites

The website may contain hyperlinks to other websites. Under no circumstances is Roelandt responsible for the privacy policy or privacy practices of any third party.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about the Privacy Statement or about the way in which Roelandt collects, uses or processes your personal data, please contact us:

  • By e-mail:
  • By post: Warandestraat 5, 9240 Zele
  • By telephone: +32 (0)52 45 31 24

If you have complaints about the way in which Roelandt collects uses and/or processes your personal data, you may file a complaint with the Privacy Commission.

Privacy Statement Version: 28-05-2018


1. General

Roelandt (hereinafter referred to as “Roelandt”, “we”) mainly uses cookies to improve your browsing experience at (hereinafter referred to as “Website”). All the data that Roelandt extracts from its cookies are anonymous and are only used to understand the customer experience on the Website, with the aim of improving the performance and usability of this Website.

Roelandt is authorised to update this cookie policy by placing a new version on the Website. In this context, it is most highly recommended to check the Website and the page on which the cookie policy is displayed regularly, to ensure that you are aware of any changes. Whenever a new cookie policy is due to be implemented, your permission for the use of cookies will be asked again.

2. What is a cookie?

A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie or browser cookie, is usually a small text file sent from a website and stored in the user’s internet browser or on their device while a user is browsing a website or using a mobile app. When the user visits the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to inform the website of the user’s previous activity. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember the status of the website or the activity taken by the user in the past. They help us to optimize your visit to the Website, to remember technical choices (e.g. choice of language, a newsletter etc.), and to display more relevant services and offers. If you wish to consult the Website, Roelandt recommends that you allow the cookies. However, if you choose not to do so, you are always free not to allow them.

Cookies may include: clicking on certain buttons, logging in or a record of the pages visited by the user, even months or years later. Although cookies cannot contain viruses and cannot install any malware on the guest computer, tracking cookies and, in particular, third-party tracking cookies are often used as ways to compile data from the browser history of individuals in the long term - a major privacy concern that motivated the European and American legislators to take action in 2011. This cookie statement is in accordance with the current Belgian Law (Law of 10/07/2012 confirming conditions with regard to electronic communication, published in the Official Gazette on 20/9/2012).

This Website uses various types of cookie:

  • The strictly necessary cookies: as the name suggests, these cookies are strictly necessary to allow you to browse the Website or make use of the Platform or to provide specific functions that you have requested.
  • Functional cookies: these cookies improve the way the Website functions by saving your preferences.
  • Tracking cookies: these cookies will survive from one user session to another. If the Max-Age of a permanent cookie is set to 1 year, the initial value recorded in that cookie will be sent back to the server every time the user visits the server within that year. This is done to store essential information, such as how the user initially came to the Website. This is why they are also sometimes called tracking cookies. For example, once you have selected the language of your choice, the Website will include your preference in a permanent cookie and save it on your browser. When you visit the Website again after that, the Website will use that permanent cookie to ensure that the contents are displayed in your chosen language.
  • Performance cookies: These cookies help to improve the performance of the Website and thus to provide a better user experience. Roelandt uses Google Analytics, a popular web analysis service offered by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to help Roelandt analyse how users use the Website. It registers the number of users and tells Roelandt things about their general behaviour, such as the typical duration of a visit to the Website or the number of pages a user views on average.
  • Third party cookies: To support its communication, Roelandt has embedded its content in social media channels, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Roelandt also makes use of the sharing opportunities on social networks. The channels that Roelandt uses may contain cookies belonging to these websites that Roelandt does not control. Please consult the relevant website belonging to these third parties for more information about these cookies.

3. List of cookies that the Website uses

The table below contains a list of the cookies that Roelandt uses where appropriate and the information they store.

Google Analytics cookies

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect data about your sessions on our website. For more information about how these cookies work, please consult Google’s cookie and privacy statement.

  • _GA
  • _GID
  • _UTMA
  • _UTMZ

Hotjar cookies

We use Hotjar cookies to analyse information about your browsing behaviour and mouse movements. Please consult the Hotjar cookie policy for more information about these cookies.


Other website cookies

  • CakeCookie [visited_pages]: This cookie tracks the pages a user visits within the website. Duration: This cookie expires when the page session ends (when the user leaves the website).
  • DASSHOP: This cookie stores session data such as the IP address and browser details. Duration: This cookie expires after 3 hours, unless the session is reopened.
  • cookieconsent_status: This cookie remembers the status of the cookie consent pop-up. Duration: This cookie expires after one year.

4. Disable cookies

There are various options available for preventing cookies from being saved. Please visit the websites of the different browsers to find out how you can block cookies. It is good to realise that if you decide to remove all your cookies, you will most probably need to re-enter all your user names and passwords on all the websites you visit, something you never even had to think about previously. As already explained, cookies can be a real benefit to your browsing experience on the internet. If you want to find out more about cookies, please visit the website This website provides more information about cookies, explains in detail how you can remove them and shows how you can allow trusted websites to store cookies on your computer.

5. Contact details of Roelandt

Warandestraat 5
B-9240 Zele

Whistleblower legislation

If you want to raise a breach of law as stipulated in the whistleblowing legislation or possible misconduct click here.

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